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Monday, May 13, 2013

Life Letters / Love Letters

So I talk to myself a lot, except I think that I'm really carrying on a conversation with the universe.  I used to be a runner.  I ran because it gave me space and time to think through things when I was a graduate student and would sometimes feel stuck with my own self-importance.  Sometimes movement of the body seems to reflect movement in the mind- the two are connected for me. 

Once when I was running I wrote a book in my head titled "Letters to Myself", it was really just random conversations about love, creativity, generosity, and observance of the world. Though now that I think of it the conversations weren't really with myself.  The letters I was writing in my head were really about communicating with the world.  And here's the thing, whether or not our thoughts get communicated out loud- they are powerful.

Scientists have discovered earth shattering information about communication and our thoughts called mirror neurons.  Mirror neurons are what they sound like- our thoughts mirror one another- so if I am thinking positive, hopeful, change the world kind of things- guess what- I will transmit that to you- WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO!  It will just be out there- unleashed!  I believe this is true.

People used to see me running and would tell me - I saw you running the other day- what is it with you?  You always look so happy when you run and you have the biggest smile on your face and you just look like you are so full of joy?  I see you running and I am instantly in a good mood.  And I would think in my head- thats because I was thinking about the world and all the infinite possibilities for wonder, change, and growth.  I wonder what would happen if we taught world leaders to communicate without words and instead we challenged them to sit in a room together and think peaceful, hopeful, joyful thoughts.  Maybe they would get curious about each other instead of themselves and their own agenda.  What if they had to sit at a world summit together in silence, really, NO verbal communication.  Maybe they could be instructed to relax their facial muscles and half smile (there is scientific evidence that this half smiling thing alters thinking and mood states in a positive direction), concentrating on their faith and the ways they believe their faith saves and serves others- NOT- the way their faith is better than or the only right way.  Simply- what miracles does my God bring to the table?  Just sit and think and feel, and smile- LET the joy just fill you up- you have to let it, just like helium fills up a balloon.  Seems like this wouldn't cost much and if it didn't work- well it sure wouldn't make things worse.  I dont think these thoughts would START a war.  Yes, I think movement and space and mirror neurons are all connected. Sometimes you move and create space by running and sometimes you move and create space by sitting still and moving your lungs, your heart, and your mind, by breathing all the good stuff in.  This breathing thing, it allows me to be responsible for me.  I don't have to exert control over my joy or you- my joy doesn't have to be right or wrong.  If I stay with joy - I spread joy- and well, the more there is, the more there is.

I think we get distracted by the sound of our own voice when we talk out loud.  This is an easy thing for me to say because I have always considered myself to be an introvert and very comfortable with silence - except as I carry on silent thinking conversations with myself those thoughts are really transmitted to the universe- I am really carrying on a conversation with the world- one mirror neuron at a time.  This method of joyful mirror neurons won't solve everything but maybe it will solve SOMETHING- and it sure won't hurt.

* Footnote: I started with the title "love letters" for this essay but I decided to change it to "life letters" as "love letters" seemed too silly, cheesy, schmarmy even.  As I wrote I realized it really is a love letter.  I am in love with the world and all of our infinite possibilities for healing - silly me- watch out for the mirror neurons- there must be a skeptic nearby :)

- Anne

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